Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
417 lines
Option Explicit
Left As Integer
Top As Integer
Right As Integer
Bottom As Integer
End Type
Global Const GWW_HINSTANCE = (-6)
Global Const RDW_INVALIDATE = &H1
Global Const RDW_ERASE = &H4
Global Const RDW_ALLCHILDREN = &H80
Declare Function GetFreeSpace& Lib "Kernel" (ByVal wFlags%)
Declare Function GetFreeSystemResources% Lib "User" (ByVal fuSysResource%)
Declare Function GetWinFlags& Lib "Kernel" ()
Declare Function GetVersion& Lib "Kernel" ()
Declare Function GetModuleHandle% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpModuleName$)
Declare Function LoadString% Lib "User" (ByVal hInstance%, ByVal wID%, ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nBufferMax%)
Declare Function SelectObject% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC%, ByVal hObject%)
Declare Function CreateSolidBrush% Lib "GDI" (ByVal crColor&)
Declare Function DeleteObject% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hObject%)
Declare Function GetDC% Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%)
Declare Sub GetWindowRect Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, lpRect As RECT)
Declare Sub InflateRect Lib "User" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal X%, ByVal Y%)
Declare Function GetDesktopWindow% Lib "User" ()
Declare Function CreateRectRgnIndirect% Lib "GDI" (lpRect As RECT)
Declare Function RedrawWindow% Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, lprcUpdate As RECT, ByVal hrgnUpdate%, ByVal fuRedraw%)
Declare Function FrameRgn% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC%, ByVal hRgn%, ByVal hBrush%, ByVal nWidth%, ByVal nHeight%)
Declare Function GetSysColor& Lib "User" (ByVal nIndex%)
Declare Function Rectangle% Lib "GDI" (ByVal hDC%, ByVal X1%, ByVal Y1%, ByVal X2%, ByVal Y2%)
Declare Function ReleaseDC% Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal hDC%)
Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nSize%)
Declare Function GetSystemDirectory% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nSize%)
Declare Function GetCurrentTask% Lib "Kernel" ()
Declare Function GetModuleFileName% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal hModule%, ByVal lpFilename$, ByVal nSize%)
Declare Function GetWindowWord% Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal nIndex%)
Declare Function ExtractIcon% Lib "Shell" (ByVal hInst%, ByVal FileName$, ByVal iIcon%)
Declare Function DestroyIcon% Lib "user" (ByVal hIcon%)
Declare Function GlobalSize& Lib "kernel" (ByVal hGlobal%)
Declare Function GlobalLock& Lib "kernel" (ByVal hGlobal%)
Declare Function GlobalUnlock% Lib "kernel" (ByVal hGlobal%)
Declare Sub hmemcpy Lib "kernel" (ByVal hpDest&, ByVal hpSource&, ByVal cbCopy&)
Function AppIcon2Pic% (Pic As PictureBox)
Dim hIcon%
Dim Rc%
Dim hInst%
hInst% = GetWindowWord%(Pic.hWnd, GWW_HINSTANCE)
hIcon% = ExtractIcon%(hInst%, ExeName$(hInst%), 0)
If hIcon% Then
AppIcon2Pic% = CopyIcon%(hIcon%, (Pic.Picture))
Rc% = DestroyIcon%(hIcon%)
End If
End Function
Sub ClearDesktop (MyRect As RECT)
Dim hDeskTop%
Dim hDeskRgn%
Dim ret%
hDeskTop% = GetDesktopWindow%()
hDeskRgn% = CreateRectRgnIndirect%(MyRect)
If hDeskRgn% Then
ret% = RedrawWindow%(hDeskTop%, MyRect, hDeskRgn%, RDW_ERASE + RDW_INVALIDATE + RDW_ALLCHILDREN)
ret% = DeleteObject%(hDeskRgn%)
End If
End Sub
Function CopyIcon% (hSource%, hDest%)
'~~~~~ Copies the icon from *hSource to *hDest, provided the
'~~~~~ memory blocks at *hSource and *hDest are the same size.
'~~~~~ hSource and hDest are Handles to Icons
Dim sizeSource&, sizeDest&
Dim fpSource&, fpDest&
Dim Rc%
CopyIcon% = False
' get size of memory blocks
sizeSource& = GlobalSize&(hSource%)
sizeDest& = GlobalSize&(hDest%)
If sizeDest& <> sizeSource& Then
If sizeSource& <> 288 Then ' not a monochrome icon
Exit Function
End If
End If
' lock memory and get far pointers to Source & Destination
fpSource& = GlobalLock&(hSource%)
fpDest& = GlobalLock&(hDest%)
' copy Source to Destination
hmemcpy fpDest&, fpSource&, sizeSource&
' unlock memory
Rc% = GlobalUnlock%(hDest)
Rc% = GlobalUnlock%(hSource)
CopyIcon% = True
End Function
Function ExeName$ (hInst%)
Dim Temp$
Dim NameLen%
Temp$ = String(255, Chr$(0))
NameLen% = GetModuleFileName%(hInst%, Temp$, Len(Temp$))
If NameLen% Then
ExeName$ = Left$(Temp$, NameLen%)
ExeName$ = "<Unknown>"
End If
End Function
Function FormatLong$ (TheNum&)
Dim TheStr$
TheStr$ = Space$(11)
RSet TheStr$ = Format$(TheNum&, "###,###,##0")
FormatLong$ = TheStr$
End Function
Sub FormCenter (Frm As Form)
Dim TheTop%, TheLeft%
TheTop% = (Screen.Height - Frm.Height) / 2
TheLeft% = (Screen.Width - Frm.Width) / 2
Frm.Move TheLeft%, TheTop%
End Sub
Sub FormExplode (Frm As Form)
' "explodes" a form by drawing successively larger rectangles,
' using the form's background color, to fill the form area.
' Should be called prior to show method
'~~~~~ Number of pixels to increase/decrease each time.
'~~~~~ Smaller sizes result in a slower but smoother "explosion."
Const STEP_SIZE = 2
Dim MyRect As RECT
Dim XLimit%
Dim YLimit%
Dim TheWidth%
Dim TheHeight%
Dim XInflate%
Dim YInflate%
Dim hDCScreen%
Dim hBrush%
Dim OldObj%
Dim ret%
'~~~~~ How big is the form?
GetWindowRect Frm.hWnd, MyRect
'~~~~~ We need to stay within this boundary
XLimit% = MyRect.Left%
YLimit% = MyRect.Top%
'~~~~~ Determine the rectangle at the center of the form
TheWidth% = MyRect.Right% - MyRect.Left%
TheHeight% = MyRect.Bottom% - MyRect.Top%
InflateRect MyRect, (TheWidth% \ 2) * -1, (TheHeight% \ 2) * -1
'~~~~~ Get right proprtion of vertical and horizontal
'~~~~~ increments
If TheWidth% > TheHeight% Then
XInflate% = STEP_SIZE
YInflate% = XInflate% * (TheWidth% / TheHeight%)
YInflate% = STEP_SIZE
XInflate% = YInflate% * (TheHeight% / TheWidth%)
End If
'~~~~~ Get the screen's device context.
hDCScreen% = GetDC%(0)
If hDCScreen% Then
'~~~~~ Create a solid brush that uses the form's background color.
hBrush% = CreateSolidBrush%(Frm.BackColor)
If hBrush% Then
OldObj% = SelectObject%(hDCScreen%, hBrush%)
'~~~~~ Draw successively larger rectangles
Do While (MyRect.Left% > XLimit%) And (MyRect.Top% > YLimit%)
ret% = Rectangle%(hDCScreen%, MyRect.Left%, MyRect.Top%, MyRect.Right%, MyRect.Bottom%)
InflateRect MyRect, XInflate%, YInflate%
'~~~~~ Restore the DC
If OldObj% Then
OldObj% = SelectObject%(hDCScreen%, OldObj%)
End If
'~~~~~ Delete the brush
ret% = DeleteObject%(hBrush%)
End If
'~~~~~ Release the device context and brush
ret% = ReleaseDC%(0, hDCScreen%)
End If
End Sub
Sub FormImplode (Frm As Form)
' "implodes" a form by drawing successively smaller rectangles,
' using the form's background color
' Should be called instead of Hide method
'~~~~~ Number of pixels to increase/decrease each time.
'~~~~~ Smaller sizes result in a slower but smoother "implosion."
Const STEP_SIZE = 3
Dim MyRect As RECT
Dim SaveRect As RECT
Dim XLimit%
Dim YLimit%
Dim TheWidth%
Dim TheHeight%
Dim XInflate%
Dim YInflate%
Dim XBorder%
Dim YBorder%
Dim hDeskTop%
Dim hDCScreen%
Dim hBrush%
Dim hBrush2%
Dim hBrush3%
Dim hDeskRgn%
Dim Clr&
Dim OldObj%
Dim ret%
'~~~~~ How big is the form?
GetWindowRect Frm.hWnd, MyRect
SaveRect = MyRect
'~~~~~ Determine the rectangle at the center of the form
TheWidth% = MyRect.Right% - MyRect.Left%
TheHeight% = MyRect.Bottom% - MyRect.Top%
InflateRect MyRect, (TheWidth% \ 2) * -1, (TheHeight% \ 2) * -1
'~~~~~ This is as far as we will go
XLimit% = MyRect.Left%
YLimit% = MyRect.Top%
MyRect = SaveRect
'~~~~~ Get right proprtion of vertical and horizontal
'~~~~~ increments
If TheWidth% > TheHeight% Then
XInflate% = STEP_SIZE
YInflate% = XInflate% * (TheWidth% / TheHeight%)
YInflate% = STEP_SIZE
XInflate% = YInflate% * (TheHeight% / TheWidth%)
End If
XBorder% = XInflate%
YBorder% = YInflate%
'~~~~~ Cause us to decrease in size
XInflate% = XInflate% * -1
YInflate% = YInflate% * -1
'~~~~~ Get the screen's device context.
'hDeskTop% = GetDesktopWindow%()
hDeskTop% = 0
hDCScreen% = GetDC%(hDeskTop%)
If hDCScreen% Then
'~~~~~ Need a brush that looks like the form's background.
hBrush% = CreateSolidBrush%(Frm.BackColor)
'~~~~~ Another that matche the background of the desktop
hBrush2% = CreateSolidBrush%(Clr&)
'~~~~~ And one that looks like the form's border.
hBrush3% = CreateSolidBrush%(Clr&)
'~~~~~ If we have all of them
If hBrush% And hBrush2% And hBrush3% Then
'~~~~~ Set up to draw "form background"
OldObj% = SelectObject%(hDCScreen%, hBrush%)
'~~~~~ Make it look like a form
ret% = Rectangle%(hDCScreen%, MyRect.Left%, MyRect.Top%, MyRect.Right%, MyRect.Bottom%)
hDeskRgn% = CreateRectRgnIndirect%(MyRect)
If hDeskRgn% Then
ret% = FrameRgn%(hDCScreen%, hDeskRgn%, hBrush3%, XBorder%, YBorder%)
ret% = DeleteObject%(hDeskRgn%)
End If
'~~~~~ Now that we covered it, hide the form
'~~~~~ Draw successively larger rectangles
Do While (MyRect.Left% < XLimit%) And (MyRect.Top% < YLimit%)
'~~~~~ Make the old rect look like the desktop
hDeskRgn% = CreateRectRgnIndirect%(MyRect)
If hDeskRgn% Then
ret% = FrameRgn%(hDCScreen%, hDeskRgn%, hBrush2%, XBorder%, YBorder%)
ret% = DeleteObject%(hDeskRgn%)
End If
'~~~~~ Crank it down one step
InflateRect MyRect, XInflate%, YInflate%
'~~~~~ Make it look like a form
ret% = Rectangle%(hDCScreen%, MyRect.Left%, MyRect.Top%, MyRect.Right%, MyRect.Bottom%)
hDeskRgn% = CreateRectRgnIndirect%(MyRect)
If hDeskRgn% Then
ret% = FrameRgn%(hDCScreen%, hDeskRgn%, hBrush3%, XBorder%, YBorder%)
ret% = DeleteObject%(hDeskRgn%)
End If
ClearDesktop SaveRect
'~~~~~ Make the old rect look like the desktop
hDeskRgn% = CreateRectRgnIndirect%(MyRect)
If hDeskRgn% Then
ret% = FrameRgn%(hDCScreen%, hDeskRgn%, hBrush2%, XBorder%, YBorder%)
ret% = DeleteObject%(hDeskRgn%)
End If
'~~~~~ Restore the DC
If OldObj% Then
OldObj% = SelectObject%(hDCScreen%, OldObj%)
End If
'~~~~~ Delete the brushes
ret% = DeleteObject%(hBrush%)
ret% = DeleteObject%(hBrush2%)
ret% = DeleteObject%(hBrush3%)
End If
'~~~~~ Release the device context and brush
ret% = ReleaseDC%(hDeskTop%, hDCScreen%)
End If
End Sub
Sub main ()
Dim ProductName$
Dim ProductVersion$
Dim Copyright$
ProductName$ = "AboutWin"
ProductVersion$ = "1.1a"
Copyright$ = "Copyright ⌐ 1994 by XYZ."
Load frmAbout
frmAbout!lblVersion.Caption = ProductName$ & " Version " & ProductVersion$ & " is licensed to:"
frmAbout!lblCopyright.Caption = Copyright$
Call FormExplode(frmAbout)
End Sub
Sub ShowAbout (ProductId$, Copyright$)
Load frmAbout
Call FormExplode(frmAbout)
End Sub
Function SysDir$ ()
Dim Temp$
Dim NameLen%
Temp$ = String(255, Chr$(0))
NameLen% = GetSystemDirectory%(Temp$, Len(Temp$))
If NameLen% Then
SysDir$ = Left$(Temp$, NameLen%)
SysDir$ = "<Unknown>"
End If
End Function
Function WinDir$ ()
Dim Temp$
Dim NameLen%
Temp$ = String(255, Chr$(0))
NameLen% = GetWindowsDirectory%(Temp$, Len(Temp$))
If NameLen% Then
WinDir$ = Left$(Temp$, NameLen%)
WinDir$ = "<Unknown>"
End If
End Function